jan-2025: Integrating dynamical modeling and phylogeographic inference to characterize global influenza circulation is now published on PNAS Nexus.
fall-2024: the networks and disease ecology team is joining the influcast hub for the forecast of the seasonal influenza circulation in Italy. During the 2024-2025 season we will provide, together with other Italian teams, weekly model projections of future trends of influenza-like-illnesses.
12-sep-2024: Benjmin Faucher has defended his thesis on the modelling of COVID-19 spread. Benjamin has analysed the impact of reactive vaccination against COVID-19 surge and the international dissemination of Alpha. Check out his thesis and the thread on bluesky. Congrats Benjamin!
sep-2024: Chiara and Marika have attended CCS24 in Exter with a contributed and an invited talk, respectivelly. Marika has presented her work on modelling multiple interacting pathogens, while Chiara has given an overview of recent work of the lab at the satellite Epinext.
mar-2024: Lorenzo has joined the team as a master student. He will work on the impact of surveillance on outbreak assessment.
Aug-2024: Characterization and forecast of global influenza (sub)type dynamics. New pre-print out on medRxiv.
1-jul-2024: Francesco Bonacina has defended his thesis and has become a PhD! Francesco has worked across IPLESP and LPSM to develop advanced statistical approaches for the global analysis of influenza virus circulation. He has analysed the influenza drop during COVID-19 and the global influenza (sub)type dynamics Check out his thesis and the thread.
mar-2024: Razieh has joined us as a research fellow. She will work on the computational modelling of seasonal respiratory infections.
mar-2024: Integrating dynamical modeling and phylogeographic inference to characterize global influenza circulation. New pre-print out on medRxiv.
mar-2024: Drivers and impact of the early silent invasion of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha. has been published on Nature Communications.
feb-2024: Dario has joined us as a research assistant. He will work on the computational modelling of pathogen spreading and mutation dynamics.
fall-2023: open position: We have a position open on the modelling of interacting respiratory infections. Check out more details here.
fall-2023: we are heading to Epidemics9 in Bologna on 28 Nov-1 Dec. We will present 5 posters about dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants, influenza subtypes co-circulation and interacting pathogens.
fall-2023: Marika has started her PhD in Physics. She will continue her work in co-supervision with the LIPH on the modelling of interacting pathogens.
Aug-2023: Drivers and impact of the early silent invasion of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha. new pre-print out on medRxiv.
July-2023: Modeling the impact of Malakit intervention: one more step towards malaria elimination in the Guiana Shield? new pre-print out on medRxiv.
fall-2021: for the third year Chiara is teaching at the course Life Data Epidemiology of the master Physics of Data, at the University of Padova.
dec-2021: Networks in Disease Ecology group is presenting two posters @Epidemics8.
oct-2021: Networks in Disease Ecology group memebers give three talks @CCS2021 in Lyon. Benjamin talked about reactive vaccination against COVID-19. Francesco presented his global analysis of the drop of flu during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beatriz (now PhD student at IFISC) talked about digital contact tracing.
oct-2021: Benjamin Faucher is starting his PhD within the group.
oct-2021: New lab member. Pourya Toranj Simin has joined the group as research assistant. Pourya will work on interacting disease dynamics.
apr-2021: New paper: Reorganization of nurse scheduling reduces the risk of healthcare associated infections.
jan-2021: New lab member. Benjamin Faucher is starting his internship. Benjamin will work on COVID-19 and interacting disease dynamics.
dec-2020: Chiara gives an invited talk at the Conference of Complex Systems 2020.
fall-2020: for the second year Chiara is teaching at the course Life Data Epidemiology of the master Physics of Data, at the University of Padova.
oct-2020: New lab member. Francesco Bonacina is starting his PhD co-supervised by Chiara and Maud Thomas at LPSM. Francesco will work on advance data analysis approaches and machine learning applied to the global epidemic circulation.
aug-2020: Chiara gives an invited talk at the Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit, G20 presidency associated event.
jul-2020: Beatriz has succesfully defended her internship project about the impact of the first-lockdown on the COVID-19 spreading dynamics in France.
jul-2020: Jesús has discussed his internship project about the modelling of digital contact tracing with multi-layer contact networks.
jul-2020: New lab member. Rania has joined the team as a Post Doc to work on the assessment of the COVID-19 outbreak and the impact of intervetions.
mar-2020: New lab members. Jesús and Beatriz are joining the lab for doing their internship in Physics of Complex Systems. Welcome!
feb-2020: Chiara gives an invited talk at the 11th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences in Trento.
dec-2019: New preprint: Interplay between competitive and cooperative interactions in a three-player pathogen system. Check it out on arxiv.
nov-2019: Francesco Pinotti has defended his thesis and is now PhD. Francesco worked on multi-strain dynamics on networks. His thesis is available here. Congrats Francesco!
fall-2019: Chiara has been visiting professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Padova to teach at the course Life Data Epidemiology of the master Physics of Data. Wanderful experience!
oct-2019: New preprint: Reorganization of nurse scheduling reduces the risk of healthcare associated infections. Check it out on medRxiv.
oct-2019: Internships available! We are seaking for a Master 2 student in love with data, complex systems, ecology and pathogens to do an internship with us. Check out the internship subjects availalbe here.
jul-2019: Fabio Mazza succesfully defended his internship project Multiscale modeling of influenza viral emergence for the International Master in Physics of Complex Systems. Congrats Fabio!
jun-2019: Host contact dynamics shapes richness and dominance of pathogen strains is out on PLOS Comp Biol. We studied the ecology of an open population of SIS strains spreading on a temporal network, and we discussed the implications of these results for the spread of S. aureus in hospitals.
mar-2019: Chiara will give an invited talk at Complenet 2019.
feb-2019: Chiara will give a lecture Introduction to Network Epidemiology at the Winter Workshop of Complex Systems.
jan-2019: The project CompFlu has been funded by the program Emergence(s) de la Ville de Paris. For the next four years we will study influenza spread and evolution in France through a computational intensive model based on genetic and incidence data. INSERM press coverage here .