
multi-pathogen with heterogenous interaction

network structure and strain ecology

travel restrictions and Ebola internation spread

analysis of MERS outbreak

two-pathogen competition in space

host lenght of stay and epidemic spatial spread

Popular articles

Covid-19 : les applications de suivi des contacts sont efficaces pour limiter le nombre d’infections
(published on The Conversation France)


Media coverage of the activity of the group:
La Recherche - Limiter les vols aériens ralentit peu la propagation d'une épidémie, Jul-Aug 2018

Media coverage of De Luca et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2018):
BMC Series blog - Extending Christmas to fight the flu, Jan 2018

Media coverage of Valdano et al. Physics Review X (2014):
Pacific standard - Fighting epidemic with math, May 2015
Physics - When Does a Disease Turn Epidemic?, April 2015

Media coverage of Poletto et al. Eurosurveillance (2014):

France 2, Télématin Sciences, Prévoir une épidémie, Jan 2015
La Stampa - "Frontiere chiuse contro Ebola" Il Big Data svela che e' un errore Nov 2014
Corriere Comunicazioni - L'Ebola? Si sconfigge (anche) con i big data, Nov 2014
Inserm - Ebola: les restrictions de transport n'empechent pas la diffusion du virus, Nov 2014
Bloomberg Businessweek - Ebola travel bans buy only time, not safety Nov 2014

Media coverage of Poletto et al. Journal of Theoretical Biology (2013):
Inserm - Dissemination des maladies infectieuses, un nouvel modele predictif Sept 2013
Allodocteurs - Un nouveau modele pour evaluer les risques de pandemie, Sept 2013