Pourya Toranj Simin
![]() phd student
Bio: Pourya studied Physics, he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Physics and then with a master’s in Physics of Complex Systems. During his master's program, he studied the interaction network of a financial market and its structure. First, he inferred the interaction network of a stock market (S&P stock market) from the time series of the stock’s prices. Then he analyzed how the structure of the interaction network may change during time, especially during financial crises. To address this question he used the concepts of percolation theory in complex systems. After his master's program, Pourya worked as a data scientist dealing with different problems. His main job was to find a data-driven solution for costumers from different sectors and consult them to solve their problems or improve their business. Since October 2021 Pourya has been working as a researcher under the supervision of Dr. Chiara Poletto at IPLESP. Research activities: Pourya is interested in statistical inference, network science, and data analysis. He is currently studying the spreading of infection and how the interaction between different strains or pathogens may affect the epidemics. His tasks include agent-based approaches, computational programming, and data analysis. |